Divide By None™

No "Zombie" Subscriptions

We know that subscriptions are annoying, especially if you don’t need a service all the time. And for this reason, our companies generally have a policy that if, in a particular billing month, you did not make any deliberate use or get any economical benefit from the Divide By None service that you are subscribed to, then your bill for that particular month, for that particular subscription will be zero dollars. In this way, you don’t need to go through the annoying process of unsubscribing when you don’t need our tool/s and resubscribing again when you do.

The information on this web site does not comprise a legal contract and any information provided regarding our subsidiary companies and their policies is provided in good faith, but mistakes can occur. If there are any inconsistencies, then the web sites of our subsidiary companies will always be the most accurate and authoritative source.